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1.1 General Introduction
In Mining business, an improved safety record means a lot to the employees
and the entire company which becomes a daily routine.
Safety considerations in blasting entail all safety precautions that must be
observed as to be able to have successful operations without any casualty
In the aspect of blasting, some safety apparel such as safety boots, Helmet,
Hand glove, nose mask as well as explosive needed for the operation must
be properly taken into consideration.
Drilling is a term used in mining engineering as the art of making holes in a
solid rock of different drill strength and hardness with the use of appropriate
machines as air compressor, wagon drill, and hand-held drill
Blasting is also as a process of fracturing materials (rock) by use of
calculated amount of explosive which on initiation either by light or shock
will break the pre-determined volume of rock at high temperature and
pressure. In a few context in the course of blasting some things have to be
taken to consideration it includes spacing and burden within the hole
priming of cartridges to be initiated down the holes as well as explosives for
charging the holes Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil (ANFO), ohmmeter for
testing resistivity of the charged holes for an effective and safe operation. As
to help avoid vibration, noise pollution, air pollution, Water pollution and
Land pollution. For safety reasons while blasting in the mines.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Accidents do occur due to unsafe blasting practice and unsafe use of
explosives. And the siting of mines close to settlements constitute risk to
residents in terms of ground vibrations, and fly rocks. Therefore, the need
for safety considerations in blasting becomes necessary.

1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study
The study focuses on safety consideration in blasting at EDILE ROCK NIG.
LTD Quarry, Talata Mafara, Zamfara state, North – Western Nigeria
specially this research will,
● To study blasting safety practices at the quarry.
● Investigate process that may lead to safe blasting operation in the study
area. In terms of depth of holes, diameter of holes, type of explosive used
and proximity of settlement around
● Investigate if there had been cases of accidents due to unsafe blasting
● To recommend effective safety measures
● To access level of compliance to mining safety regulations.
● To recommend that they observe safe mining method.

1.4 Significance of the Study
To help companies and individuals in blasting practices to know the
implication of unsafe blasting practices and to know precautionary measures
to take against future occurrences.

1.5 Scope of the Study
The scope of the study is restricted to safety considerations in blasting at
EDILE ROCK NIG. LTD QUARRY, Zamfara State also to evaluate process
required to obtain adequate safety of lives over environmental hazards which
may be involved in blasting operations.

Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    higher national diploma (hnd)

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